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8525 Waterwillow Pl
Orlando, FL

8525 Waterwillow Pl

3 bd • 2 ba • 1,740 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.


AI Property Analysis

0:00 / 0:00
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AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

This property at 8525 Waterwillow Pl, Orlando, FL 32827 offers excellent value at $234.77/sqft, which is approximately 20% below the Orlando average of $293/sqft. With 1,740 sqft, it's spacious and above the typical 1,500 sqft for similar homes in the area. The property is located in a well-planned community with ample green spaces and water features, as seen in the aerial image. The nearby sports complex (visible in the lower left corner) adds recreational value. The surrounding forest provides a natural buffer and potential for wildlife viewing. The property's location near major roads suggests good accessibility while maintaining a suburban feel.

The Bad

The property's location appears to be on the outskirts of Orlando, which may mean longer commute times to the city center. The aerial view shows limited commercial development nearby, potentially requiring drives for shopping and services. The dense clustering of homes suggests possible privacy concerns and limited yard space. The abundance of water bodies in the area, while aesthetically pleasing, may increase the risk of flooding or water-related issues. The lack of information on the year built and property features makes it difficult to assess the condition and potential maintenance needs of the home.

The Ugly

The property's proximity to multiple water bodies raises significant concerns about flood risk and potential water damage. Florida's hurricane risk is high, and without knowing the age or construction quality of the home, it's impossible to gauge its resilience to severe weather. The dense forest surrounding the community could pose a fire risk during dry seasons. The lack of information on utilities and systems is concerning, as Florida's climate puts heavy strain on HVAC systems. If the home is older, it may require significant upgrades to meet current hurricane codes, which could be costly.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for families or couples seeking a spacious home in a quiet, nature-oriented community. With 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, it can accommodate a growing family or provide space for a home office. The median income of $104,613 in the area suggests it's appropriate for middle to upper-middle-class buyers. It's ideal for those who prioritize a suburban lifestyle with access to outdoor activities and don't mind driving for urban amenities. The price point makes it attractive for first-time homebuyers or those looking to upsize from a smaller property.

Not For

This property is not suitable for urban dwellers who prioritize walkability and immediate access to city amenities. It's likely not ideal for retirees looking for low-maintenance living, given the potential yard work and home upkeep required in a forested area. Investors seeking short-term rentals may find this location challenging due to its distance from tourist attractions. Those with limited budgets for home insurance and potential flood insurance should be cautious. Individuals with mobility issues might struggle if the home isn't single-level (which we can't confirm from the available information).
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

Flood risk is a major concern given the numerous water bodies visible in the aerial image. Hurricane risk is high in Orlando, and without knowing the home's age and construction, it's difficult to assess its resilience. The forested area increases the risk of termite infestation, a common issue in Florida. Potential sinkholes, while less common in Orlando than other parts of Florida, can't be ruled out without a geological survey. The lack of information on the home's systems and features suggests potential hidden costs for repairs or upgrades. The area's rapid development could lead to increased traffic and changes in the community's character over time. Insurance costs could be high due to the multiple environmental risks.


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Average Price


2.4% above list price

Median Price


Based on 6 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


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