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509 Terrell Rd
Hillsborough, NC

509 Terrell Rd

2 bd • 2 ba • 1,064 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/21/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built

AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

The property at 509 Terrell Rd, Hillsborough, NC offers excellent value at $273.59/sqft, which is approximately 18% below the average two-bedroom rental rate of $1,315/month in the area. Its location in a heavily wooded neighborhood provides a serene, natural setting with ample privacy. The aerial image shows good proximity to main roads, suggesting convenient access to amenities. With 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in 1,064 sqft, the layout is efficient for its size. The median income of $88,767 in the area indicates a stable local economy, potentially supporting property values.

The Bad

The property lacks detailed information on its features, utilities, and systems, which raises concerns about its condition and potential hidden issues. The unknown year built could indicate an older home requiring significant updates or maintenance. At 1,064 sqft, it's smaller than many family homes, potentially limiting its appeal to a broader market. The absence of listed features suggests possible outdated amenities or lack of modern conveniences. The aerial view shows a densely populated area, which might impact privacy and noise levels despite the wooded setting.

The Ugly

The lack of a property description and detailed information is a major red flag, potentially hiding serious issues or deferred maintenance. Without knowing the year built or the condition of major systems (HVAC, roof, plumbing), buyers face significant uncertainty and risk. The property's smaller size compared to typical family homes in the area could lead to below-average appreciation. The densely wooded area, while providing privacy, may also present higher risks of tree damage, increased maintenance costs for leaf removal, and potential pest issues. The competitive nature of Hillsborough's real estate market, as mentioned in the local context, could lead to hasty decisions without proper due diligence, especially given the limited information available about this property.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for first-time homebuyers, young professionals, or small families with a household income around $70,000-$80,000 (based on a 28% front-end DTI ratio for a $291,100 home). It's ideal for those prioritizing a quiet, nature-surrounded setting while maintaining proximity to urban amenities. Investors looking for rental properties might find the price point attractive, with potential for a cap rate of approximately 5.4% based on the area's average two-bedroom rental rate of $1,315/month.

Not For

This property is not suitable for larger families needing 3+ bedrooms or more than 1,064 sqft of living space. It's also not ideal for buyers seeking modern, updated homes with known histories and clear documentation of recent improvements. Luxury home buyers or those requiring high-end amenities would likely find this property lacking. Risk-averse investors or those unable to handle potential major repairs or renovations should avoid this property given the lack of information about its condition and systems.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

Major risks include unknown property age and condition, potentially leading to significant repair costs. The wooded area increases risks of tree damage, higher insurance premiums, and pest infestations. The competitive Hillsborough market may pressure buyers to make decisions without thorough inspections. Property taxes in North Carolina can vary significantly and need careful consideration. The smaller size may limit long-term appreciation compared to larger homes in the area. Potential zoning or land use changes in the surrounding wooded areas could impact future property values. The lack of detailed property information suggests a high risk of unforeseen issues post-purchase.


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Location & Comparables

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Stats in the Area

Average Price


-60.4% below list price

Median Price


Based on 4 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


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0 King James Street, Hillsborough, NC 27278
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