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175 Stanford Rdg
Johns Creek, GA

175 Stanford Rdg

8 bd • 5 ba • 5,054 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built

AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

The property at 175 Stanford Rdg, Johns Creek, GA 30097 offers exceptional value with its price per square foot of $178.43, which is significantly lower than the area average of $200-$250/sqft for similar properties. With 8 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms spread across 5,054 sqft, this home provides ample space, making it 67% larger than the typical Johns Creek home (average 3,000 sqft). The property's location in Johns Creek, a desirable suburb with a median income of $111,966, suggests a stable, affluent neighborhood. The aerial image shows a well-developed area with substantial tree coverage, indicating a mature, established community with good privacy and potential for lower cooling costs. The presence of water bodies nearby (visible in the image) may offer recreational opportunities and enhance property value.

The Bad

The property's age is unknown, which could indicate potential hidden maintenance issues or outdated systems. No specific features or descriptions are provided, making it difficult to assess the home's condition or recent upgrades. The lack of information about utilities and systems is concerning, as it leaves uncertainty about the efficiency and state of crucial home components. The property's large size (5,054 sqft) may lead to higher maintenance and utility costs, potentially $1,000-$1,500 per month. Property taxes in Johns Creek are known to be high, possibly reaching $12,000-$15,000 annually for a home of this value.

The Ugly

The property's price of $901,800 is 30% higher than what the median income in the area ($111,966) would typically support, potentially limiting the buyer pool. This could lead to longer time on market if priced above comparable properties. The aerial image shows a densely developed area, which might indicate potential issues with traffic congestion, especially during peak hours. The large number of bedrooms (8) is unusual for the area and may suggest non-standard use of space or potential unpermitted additions, which could cause issues during resale or with local authorities.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is ideal for large families or multi-generational households needing significant space. With 8 bedrooms, it could also suit buyers looking for a home office setup or those considering using part of the home for short-term rentals (subject to local regulations). Investors might find potential in converting this property into a group home or assisted living facility, given its size and bedroom count. The property would suit buyers with a household income of $300,000+ annually, considering the potential mortgage, tax, and maintenance costs.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with limited budgets due to its high price point and potential maintenance costs. Singles, couples, or small families might find the space excessive and costly to maintain. It's not ideal for those seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle or buyers who prioritize newer construction with modern amenities, given the lack of information about the home's age and features.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

The unknown age of the property poses a significant risk, as it could be hiding major system failures or necessary upgrades. The unusually high bedroom count might indicate non-standard room usage or unpermitted additions, which could lead to legal or zoning issues. The dense neighborhood development visible in the aerial image suggests potential for future overbuilding or strain on local infrastructure. The presence of water bodies nearby, while attractive, may increase the risk of flooding or moisture-related problems. The property's large size could lead to higher-than-expected utility and maintenance costs, potentially $15,000-$20,000 annually.


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