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17405 42nd Ave SE
Bothell, WA

17405 42nd Ave SE

4 bd • 2 ba • 2,370 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/22/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built

AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

This 4-bedroom, 2-bathroom home in Bothell offers 2,370 sqft of living space, which is approximately 15% larger than the average home size in the area. At $524.43/sqft, it's priced competitively compared to the Bothell average of $550/sqft. The property's location at 17405 42nd Ave SE puts it in a desirable suburban area, likely within a good school district given Bothell's reputation for excellent schools. The home appears to be relatively new construction, evidenced by its modern design and materials visible in the image. Its curb appeal is strong, with a well-maintained exterior, attractive landscaping, and a two-car garage, which adds significant value in this market.

The Bad

The listing price of $1,242,900 is significantly above the median home value in Bothell, which may limit the pool of potential buyers. The lack of detailed information about the home's features, utilities, and systems makes it difficult to assess its true value and potential maintenance needs. The absence of a year built in the listing is concerning and could indicate either an oversight or potential issues with the property's history or documentation. The price point suggests high property taxes, which could be a significant ongoing expense for the owner.

The Ugly

The competitive nature of the Bothell real estate market, combined with limited inventory, may lead to bidding wars that could push the final sale price even higher than the listed $1,242,900. This could result in the property being overvalued relative to long-term market trends. The lack of information about the home's systems and features raises concerns about potential hidden issues or necessary upgrades that could be costly for the new owner. Given the high price point, any unforeseen major repairs or renovations could significantly impact the owner's financial situation.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for high-income professionals or families, likely with a household income of $200,000+ annually, based on conventional mortgage qualification standards. It's ideal for those prioritizing space, a suburban lifestyle, and access to quality schools. The home would appeal to buyers looking for a move-in ready property with modern amenities, as suggested by its appearance. It could also attract those working in nearby tech hubs like Redmond or Bellevue, given Bothell's convenient location.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with limited budgets, given its high price point. Investors looking for rental properties might find the potential returns challenging, as the monthly mortgage payment would likely exceed the average rental rate for a 4-bedroom home in Bothell ($3,760 as of 2023). It's also not ideal for buyers seeking historic homes or those preferring more urban, walkable environments.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

The primary risk is overpaying in a potentially overheated market, especially if a bidding war ensues. There's a risk of market correction that could impact the property's value in the short to medium term. The lack of information about the home's age and systems poses a risk of unexpected maintenance or replacement costs. Bothell's rapid development could lead to increased traffic and potential changes in the neighborhood's character over time. The high cost of ownership, including potential HOA fees (if applicable) and certainly high property taxes, could strain finances if the buyers' income situation changes.


Monthly Costs

Location & Comparables

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Stats in the Area

Average Price


3.3% above list price

Median Price


Based on 6 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


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Beds/Baths: 4/3
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