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1269 Westview Cir SE
North Canton, OH

1269 Westview Cir SE

4 bd • 4 ba • 3,808 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/23/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built


AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

This spacious Colonial home offers exceptional value at $112.89/sqft, which is 25% below the North Canton average of $150/sqft for similar properties. With 3,808 sqft, it's 58% larger than the typical home in the area (2,400 sqft). The property has appreciated 65.3% since 2017, outperforming the local market average of 35% over the same period. The home boasts desirable features including a chef's kitchen with granite countertops, two fireplaces, a finished basement, and ample storage with both a 3-car attached and 2-car detached garage. Its location across from Eastwood Park and proximity to Gervasi Vineyards adds to its appeal. The property's size and layout make it suitable for large families or those needing extra space, with 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms.

The Bad

The property's flood risk score of 6/10 is concerning, being higher than the area average of 4/10. This could lead to increased insurance costs and potential future damage. The home's age (built in 1987) suggests that some major systems may need replacement in the near future, including the HVAC system (typical lifespan 15-20 years) and the roof (20-30 years). The heat risk score of 3/10, while moderate, indicates 7 hot days per year, which could lead to increased cooling costs. The property's rapid appreciation (65.3% since 2017) may indicate it's currently priced at the higher end of the market, potentially limiting future appreciation.

The Ugly

The MAJOR flood risk (6/10) is a significant concern, with insurance marked as CRITICAL. This could lead to substantially higher insurance premiums and potential difficulties in obtaining coverage. The total monthly ownership costs are estimated to be high at approximately $3,200 ($2,150 mortgage + $250 property tax + $130 insurance + $670 utilities and maintenance), which may be challenging for many buyers. The property's large size (3,808 sqft) could result in higher-than-average utility and maintenance costs. The rapid appreciation since 2017 (65.3%) might indicate a potential market correction in the near future, posing a risk to the property's value.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for buyers with a household income of $150,000+ annually, based on the estimated monthly costs. It's ideal for large families or multi-generational households needing 4+ bedrooms and ample living space. The home would appeal to buyers who value entertainment spaces, with its large great room, finished basement, and multiple fireplaces. It's also suitable for car enthusiasts or those needing extensive storage, given the 5-car garage capacity. The location near parks and vineyards makes it attractive for nature lovers and those who enjoy an active lifestyle.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with limited budgets due to its high monthly costs. It's also not ideal for individuals or small families who might find the 3,808 sqft overwhelming or costly to maintain. Investors looking for rental properties might find the potential returns limited due to the high purchase price relative to local rental rates. Those highly risk-averse to natural disasters, particularly flooding, should be cautious given the property's flood risk score.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Climate Risks



Insurance: Required


7 extreme heat days per year

98th percentile: 96°F


1 bad air quality days per year


Insurance: Optional


Insurance: Optional

Risk Analysis

The major flood risk (6/10) is the most significant concern, potentially leading to property damage and high insurance costs. There's a risk of market correction given the rapid 65.3% appreciation since 2017, which outpaces the local average. The age of the home (38 years) suggests potential need for major system replacements in the near future, including HVAC, roof, and appliances, which could cost $30,000-$50,000 collectively. The large size of the home may lead to higher-than-expected utility and maintenance costs, potentially $800-$1,000 monthly. The moderate heat risk (3/10) could result in increasing cooling costs over time due to climate change.
Annual Cost


$129 per month


Monthly Costs
Market Rent (4 bed)


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Price History

Property Taxes

2023 Tax Assessment
4.1%from previous year
Assessed Value$105,040
Tax Rate5.35%

Location & Comparables

Subject Property
Comparable Sales
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Stats in the Area

Average Price


6.0% above list price

Median Price


Based on 6 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


Comparable Properties

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Price: $233,000
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$/Sq.Ft: N/A
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