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920 Hall Top Rd
Waynesville, NC

920 Hall Top Rd

2 bd • 3 ba • 2,044 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.


AI Property Analysis

0:00 / 0:00
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AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

The property at 920 Hall Top Rd, Waynesville, NC offers a spacious 2,044 sqft layout, which is approximately 36% larger than the average 1,500 sqft home in the area. At $237.33/sqft, it's priced about 10% below the typical $260-$280/sqft range for similar properties in Waynesville. The 3 bathrooms provide an excellent ratio to the 2 bedrooms, offering convenience and potential for guests or future expansion. The property's location on Hall Top Road suggests a possible elevated position, potentially offering mountain views which are highly valued in this market. The red exterior with white trim gives the home a distinctive, charming appearance that stands out in the local landscape.

The Bad

The property's age is unknown, which raises concerns about potential hidden issues or outdated systems. With only 2 bedrooms, it may limit appeal for families or those needing more sleeping space, despite the large square footage. The lack of listed features or a detailed property description makes it difficult to assess the home's amenities or recent upgrades. The gravel driveway, while common in rural areas, may require more maintenance than a paved surface, especially given Waynesville's climate with snow and ice in winter.

The Ugly

At $485,100, the property is priced significantly above the affordability range for the median income in Waynesville ($51,561), potentially limiting the pool of local buyers. The monthly mortgage payment alone (assuming 20% down and a 3.5% interest rate) would be around $1,740, which is 40% of the median monthly income before considering taxes, insurance, and maintenance. The steep terrain evident in the image suggests potential foundation issues, erosion concerns, and challenging winter accessibility. The rural setting likely means reliance on well water and a septic system, both of which can be costly to maintain or replace if issues arise.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for buyers with household incomes above $150,000, allowing for comfortable affordability given the high purchase price. It's ideal for couples or small families who value space over bedroom count, possibly looking for a vacation home or planning to work remotely. The layout and setting would appeal to those seeking a quiet mountain retreat with potential for stunning views. Investors might consider it for a high-end short-term rental, capitalizing on Waynesville's tourism appeal, especially during fall foliage season.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with incomes near Waynesville's median, due to its high price point. Families needing more than 2 bedrooms would find the layout challenging despite the large square footage. Those with mobility issues might struggle with the steep terrain and multi-level design. Buyers seeking a low-maintenance property or those uncomfortable with rural utilities (potential well and septic systems) should look elsewhere.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

The unknown build year poses risks of outdated electrical, plumbing, or HVAC systems, potentially requiring significant upgrades. The steep terrain increases risks of erosion, foundation issues, and difficult winter access, potentially leading to higher maintenance and insurance costs. Well and septic systems, if present, could require expensive repairs or replacements. The area's susceptibility to winter weather may necessitate investment in snow removal equipment or services. The high price point relative to local incomes could make resale challenging if the market softens.


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Average Price


-8.3% below list price

Median Price


Based on 1 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


Comparable Properties

319 Ivy Hill Drive, Waynesville, NC 28785
Price: $445,000
Sq.Ft: 2,034
Beds/Baths: 3/2
Sale Date: 11/10/2024

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