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638 Canvas Dr
Wake Forest, NC

638 Canvas Dr

3 bd • 3 ba • 2,827 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built

AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

The property at 638 Canvas Dr, Wake Forest, NC 27587 offers exceptional value at $169.86/sqft, which is 31% below the median price of $245/sqft for Wake Forest. With 2,827 sqft, it's 41% larger than the average home size in the area (2,000 sqft). The 3 bed/3 bath configuration is ideal for families or those needing extra space. Its location near a golf course (visible in the aerial image) adds significant value, potentially increasing property appreciation. The median income of $107,114 in the area suggests a strong local economy, supporting property values. The home's size and bedroom count align well with the highest rental rates in the area ($1,750 for 3-bedroom), indicating good potential for rental income if desired.

The Bad

The unknown build year raises concerns about potential maintenance issues and outdated systems. No specific features or descriptions are provided, which could indicate a lack of recent upgrades or unique selling points. The rapid growth in Wake Forest (mentioned in the local context) may lead to increased traffic and strain on local infrastructure, potentially affecting quality of life. The property's price point of $480,200 is above the median income affordability threshold (assuming a 28% front-end ratio), which could limit the buyer pool.

The Ugly

The lack of information on utilities and systems is concerning, especially given the mention of well and septic systems being common in the area. If present, these could represent significant maintenance costs and potential health risks if not properly maintained. The area's high property taxes (mentioned as a concern for Wake County) could add substantially to the total cost of ownership. The rapid development in Wake Forest poses a risk of changing neighborhood character and potential redistricting of schools, which could impact long-term property value and desirability.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for upper-middle-income families or professionals with household incomes of $150,000+ annually, allowing for comfortable affordability. It's ideal for golf enthusiasts or those valuing green spaces, given the proximity to a golf course. The spacious layout makes it suitable for growing families or those who frequently host guests or work from home. Investors looking for properties with good rental potential in a growing market would also find this attractive, given the strong rental rates for 3-bedroom homes in the area.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with incomes below $125,000, given the high purchase price and potential additional costs. It's also not ideal for those seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle, as the unknown age and potential for well/septic systems suggest possible high upkeep requirements. Buyers looking for a quiet, unchanging neighborhood might be put off by Wake Forest's rapid growth and development.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

Major risks include potential high costs for unknown utilities and systems, especially if well and septic are present. The rapid growth of Wake Forest poses risks of increased traffic, potential overcrowding of schools, and changing neighborhood dynamics. There's also a risk of future special assessments or increased property taxes to fund infrastructure improvements needed due to the town's growth. The golf course proximity, while a current asset, could become a liability if the course faces financial difficulties or closes in the future. The lack of flood zone information is concerning, given that parts of Wake Forest are in flood zones.


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Stats in the Area

Average Price


17.7% above list price

Median Price


Based on 6 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


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Sq.Ft: 2,420
Beds/Baths: 4/3
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