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2616 Amesbury Lake Dr
Edmond, OK

2616 Amesbury Lake Dr

4 bd • 4 ba • 4,043 sf

This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.

List Price




Year Built

AI Property Analysis

A comprehensive evaluation of this property's features, market position, and investment potential.

The Good

This 4,043 sqft property at 2616 Amesbury Lake Dr, Edmond, OK offers exceptional value at $141.43/sqft, which is 31% below the median price of $205/sqft for similar homes in the area. With 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, it provides ample space for a growing family or those who need extra rooms for home offices. The property is located in a well-established neighborhood with mature trees, as evident from the aerial image. Its location in Edmond grants access to highly-rated schools, with Edmond Public Schools consistently ranking among the top districts in Oklahoma. The median income of $97,648 in the area suggests a stable, affluent community, which typically correlates with lower crime rates and better-maintained public spaces.

The Bad

The lack of detailed information about the property's features, utilities, and systems is concerning. This absence of data could indicate potential hidden issues or outdated systems that may require significant investment. The year built is unknown, which raises questions about the age of major systems like HVAC, roofing, and plumbing. If the home is older, it may not meet current energy efficiency standards, potentially leading to higher utility costs. The aerial image shows a densely populated area, which might result in less privacy and potentially more noise compared to more spread-out neighborhoods.

The Ugly

Oklahoma's propensity for severe weather, including tornadoes and hailstorms, poses significant risks. The property's storm readiness is unknown, and installing a storm shelter could cost $3,000-$10,000. The clay soil common in Oklahoma can cause foundation issues, especially during drought or heavy rain periods. A thorough foundation assessment is crucial and potential repairs could run from $5,000 to over $20,000. The rapid growth in Edmond might lead to increased traffic congestion and strain on local infrastructure. If an HOA exists, there could be substantial fees and restrictions not yet disclosed, potentially adding hundreds of dollars to monthly expenses.

Who is this property for?

These details are presented solely for entertainment purposes and are not meant to steer or limit any prospective buyer.

Best For

This property is best suited for families or individuals with a household income of $150,000+ annually, considering the $571,800 price tag and potential additional costs. It's ideal for those prioritizing space and good schools, possibly relocating from more expensive markets like California or New York, where this price point would be considered a bargain for a 4,000+ sqft home. The property could also appeal to multi-generational families needing separate living spaces or professionals requiring home offices. Investors looking for long-term appreciation in a growing suburb might also find this property attractive, with potential rental income of around $2,010 per month for a four-bedroom home based on local averages.

Not For

This property is not suitable for first-time homebuyers or those with limited budgets, given the high purchase price and potential for additional expenses. It's also not ideal for individuals or couples seeking a low-maintenance lifestyle, as a large home typically requires more upkeep. Those prioritizing walkability or proximity to urban amenities may find the suburban location less appealing. Buyers sensitive to natural disaster risks or those unprepared for the potential costs associated with severe weather events should be cautious. Additionally, it may not be suitable for short-term investors looking for quick returns, as the high price point may limit rapid appreciation.
Area Median Income


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Risk Assessment

Risk Analysis

The primary risks include severe weather events common to Oklahoma, potentially leading to higher insurance premiums and repair costs. There's a risk of foundation issues due to clay soil, which could result in expensive repairs. The unknown age of the property poses risks of outdated systems and potential code compliance issues. Rapid growth in Edmond could lead to increased property taxes and potential overvaluation in the short term. The large size of the home (4,043 sqft) may result in high utility and maintenance costs. There's also a risk of future development in the area, potentially affecting property values and quality of life. Without knowing the specific location relative to flood zones, there could be unaccounted flood risks.


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Average Price


-90.8% below list price

Median Price


Based on 1 recent sales

Price per Sq.Ft


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512 Owens Avenue, Edmond, OK 73013
Price: $52,500
Beds/Baths: /
$/Sq.Ft: N/A
Sale Date: 12/10/2024

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