This analysis was generated by artificial intelligence on 1/24/2025. It is for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered as real estate or investment advice.
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8 bad air quality days per year
7 extreme heat days per year
98th percentile: 86°F
Insurance: Optional
Insurance: Optional
Insurance: Optional
$225 per month
Average Price
-2.7% below list price
Median Price
Based on 6 recent sales
Price per Sq.Ft
Address | Price | Sq.Ft | Beds | Baths | $/Sq.Ft | Sale Date |
12115 10th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98146 | $860,000 | 2,160 | 4 | 3 | $3984.8% | 11/6/2024 |
11429 5th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98146 | $740,000 | 1,730 | 3 | 3 | $42812.6% | 11/9/2024 |
1406 SW 126th Street, Burien, WA 98146 | $1,150,000 | 2,210 | 3 | 3 | $52037.0% | 10/31/2024 |
10616 12th Avenue SW, Seattle, WA 98146 | $500,000 | 2,030 | 5 | 3 | $24635.2% | 8/31/2024 |
11856 Occidental Avenue S, Burien, WA 98168 | $593,000 | 1,960 | 4 | 3 | $30320.4% | 8/23/2024 |
846 SW 125th Street, Seattle, WA 98146 | $537,000 | 1,630 | 3 | 3 | $32913.3% | 10/10/2024 |
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